Thursday, March 1, 2012

O Might Ghost

Once upon a time there was this viking named Bobbert, he was a very mean viking. If didn’t do what he said then he would kill you,  eat you,  or send you to the swamp to live the rest of your life. But one day this really really brave kid finally stud up then he said, Sir one day all the stuff that you have done to these people, well it’s going to come back and bite you on your butt. So if I was you I would watch your back Bobbert.         Bobbert was outraged by the way this kid talked back to him, he stood up and raised his large hand and slaped him in the face. There was a horrible mark on the young mans face, and he ran out of his house.  Later that night Bobbert had a dream about all those people that he ate, and that they were going to hont him until the crow sings. That next day Bobbert walking around and watch his back the whole time, but then he felt a giant gust of wind and smoke come by. There was voices taking t him saying, “ I am going to get you Bobbert, I’m going to get you tonight.”  So you better believe that Bobbert ran back to his house and hid under his table until night fell. ---- “Knock Knock Knock” who’s there, “Bobbert Said” it’s your old friend Hank, “ OK I’ll be there in a minute Bobbert said.”  As soon as he opened the door a mighty ghost came in and knocked him to the ground. Bobbert pleaded “ please don’t hurt me, please” WHY SHOULD I NOT HURT YOU OR KILL YOU said, the Ghost. “Because I’m to young to die, Bobbert said.” Well don’t you think that kid that you slapped was to young. “Well no he disrespected me Mr Mighty Ghost .” That’s just to bad because now I’m going to kill you. But as soon as Bobbert said NOOOOOOO Oh Might Ghost Killed him with his finger. ------  After that the whole Swamp King Dome was nice and plea sent! THE END

1 comment:

  1. this was good i think you should of went more into when the ghost killing him like more of why he killed thos people and stuff
