Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mice on an Adventure

IT all happened two weeks ago when me and my friends  where outside, throwing acorns at each other. When all of a sudden a big gust of wind came by, and blew us all over. When I got up my friends where no where to be found.I started walking back to my house because i though they where hiding from me. And suddenly I heard a frantic scream. Could tell that it wasn’t somebody i knew because I was the jouster of my school, and i have heard everyone scream at least once in my life. But there was something strange about that scream something that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. That scream lasted a very long time, at least 30 seconds. You better believe that I wanted to go out and find where that came from...... So I found the nearest stick and went out. When i was walking down the rode and I found foot prints in the mud I could tell by the way it look that my friends where taken by some types of animals. At first i thought that racoon's stole them, or even possum’s. But that wasn’t the case, something else stole them, like some type of new creature. It only had 2 feet, like a Tree Kangaroo. “You see, the thing about  Tree Kangaroo, is that when they come out and get you  are never found, like a couple years ago. My uncles,friends, cousin was stolen and was never to be found.” But then a giant rock came down and hit me in my head and then I died. The End.


  1. Sorry. I know that this story was bad, but I wanted to get it done so then I woukd get credt

  2. nice blog evan how did u know that u died?
